About Us

IDA Smile Contest is IDA's way of giving back to the world by recognizing photographers both professional and amateur , anyone from within or outside the profession in capturing alluring , beautiful smiles with a message or significance.

Smile Contest reflects healthy teeth. IDA spearheads the cause of oral health via Smile Contest. We strive to create an environment towards oral health care and reiterate our social commitment to serve the community by diffusing the knowledge of complete oral healthcare to the masses by holding Smile Contest.

Smile Contest aims to highlight the important aspects of oral hygiene and the salient features of preventive dentistry in its efforts to change the outlook of the common man towards dentistry and oral healthcare. Creates awareness that simple dental care habits, such as brushing and flossing results in a perfect smile.

A perfect smile reflects your personality, self-esteem and is fundamental for your success. Smile is the quality that elevates people's health and lives. Therefore, IDA organizes Smile Contest for various groups and emphasizes the importance of good teeth and oral hygiene.

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